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Secure your websites from hackers with cloudafe SSL

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a crucial component of online security, providing a secure and encrypted connection between a user’s web browser and a website’s server.

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Setup your SSL on 1 site*

**”Lock in Trust with CloudAfe SSL – Your Key to Secure Connections 🔒 “

₹ 3,129.00 / p.a

Setup up to 5 SSLs*

**”Unlock a Safer Web Experience with CloudAfe SSL – Where Security Meets Simplicity! 🔓🛡️

₹ 12,499.00/p.a

Setup up to 10 SSLs*

**”Building a Secure Tomorrow, Today! CloudAfe SSL – Guarding Your Digital Frontier. 🚀🔒

₹ 20,319.00/p.a

Secure the data transmitted between a user's device and the server.

SSL certificate is a vital tool for securing online communication


encryption helps prevent unauthorized access.


SSL certificates authenticate the identity of a website.

Data Integrity

SSL certificates ensure the integrity of the data being transmitted.

Protect your website

SSL enhances user trust, protects sensitive information, and contributes to a safer and more secure online environment.


Trust Indicators

Browsers often display visual indicators, such as a padlock icon or “https” in the URL, to signal a secure connection.


Validation Levels

SSL certificates come in different validation levels, ranging from Domain Validation (DV) to Extended Validation (EV).


Wildcard and Multi-Domain Support

Some SSL certificates support wildcard domains, allowing secure connections for a main domain and its subdomains.


Renewal and Expiry

SSL certificates have a finite lifespan, typically ranging from one to three years. Regular renewal is essential to maintain a secure connection.

HTTPS Protocol Overhead

SSL/TLS encryption involves computational processes for both encryption (on the server side) and decryption (on the client side).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SSL certificate, and why is it important for my website?

 An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that encrypts data transmitted between a user’s web browser and a website’s server, ensuring secure communication. It is vital for protecting sensitive information such as login credentials, personal details, and financial transactions. SSL not only enhances security but also builds trust among users, as indicated by the padlock icon and “https” in the URL.

How do I know if a website is secure, and why is the padlock symbol important?

A secure website is indicated by the presence of a padlock icon in the address bar and the use of “https” in the URL. This signifies that the website has an SSL certificate, encrypting data during transmission. The padlock symbol assures users that their connection is secure, and any information exchanged with the site is protected from potential eavesdropping or tampering.

Do I need an SSL certificate even if my website doesn't handle sensitive information or transactions?

Yes, it is advisable to have an SSL certificate for all websites, regardless of the nature of the content. Beyond securing sensitive data, SSL contributes to overall internet security. Additionally, search engines like Google consider SSL as a ranking factor, and having “https” can positively impact your website’s visibility in search results.

What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS, and why should I migrate to HTTPS?

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are protocols for transmitting data over the web. HTTPS includes the added layer of SSL/TLS encryption, ensuring a secure connection. Migrating to HTTPS is crucial for data security, user trust, and SEO benefits. It protects against data interception and manipulation, enhancing the overall integrity and safety of your website.

How often do I need to renew my SSL certificate, and what happens if it expires?

SSL certificates typically have a validity period of one to three years. It’s important to renew before expiration to maintain a secure connection. If an SSL certificate expires, visitors to your site may encounter security warnings, and your website could become inaccessible to users. Regularly updating and renewing SSL certificates is essential for uninterrupted security and a seamless online experience.